
It’s a simple fact that children are the future of the church, and we take the education of our kids to heart.

SonBeams Children's Ministry is designed to serve kids birth through 6th grade and their families. We have Bible classes for each age on Sunday morning and evening, as well as Wednesday evenings.

In addition, we have many children's activities throughout the year that appeal to kids and parents alike; Father/daughter Banquet, Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, our own Valley View Youth Camp as well as Back to School and fun holiday parties!

We also participate in the Lads to Leaders program that promotes church leadership in kids of all ages. The kids can take part in art projects, Bible Bowl, photography, puppeteering, public speaking, song leading, video production and many more, with experienced instructors and support from all over the United States and abroad.

Please feel free to visit us any time and experience the love we have for our children as we raise them in God's service. We are always looking to welcome new members into our Valley View family!